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Granted, most of these wins have been against the JV teams of the NBA, but it has allowed Lakers to get one important thing down: chemistry. So much was said about how the team was going to react to the loss of Ariza and the addition of Artest. Would Ariza’s loss have a negative effect? Would Artest blend in with the team? Would Artest show-up in his his boxers again? Ooops! Ok, that did happen again!

But, the Lakers are putting all the pieces in place for a tremendous year! Although, according to this writer, they need a quicker point guard. Besides that, they look scary good. Boston is old, but deep. Miami is enjoying a nice season but so is Phoenix. Cleveland looks lost and Orlando….well, we know how that story went last year. This may be a cliché, but the only thing that concerns me is the Lakers beating the Lakers. If they do the things they have been doing, and don’t have USC type mental lapses, they should be good for some new hardware!

I don’t want to sound premature, but I have already scouted Fig for the best possible spot for the parade!

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